Full movie cooties
Full movie cooties

full movie cooties
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  • Also, the mom is distracted by a phone-call, to the point that she does not notice her eldest son is zombified and also does not notice the zombification of her youngest son.
  • Wade is too busy shooting hoops to notice children eating teachers right behind him.
  • The group of survivors gradually gets larger as the movie progresses, and everyone who makes it past the first act survives the film.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Doug’s reaction to the zombie attack, as seen in the page quote above.
  • #Full movie cooties free#

    Along with all of the zombies being children, a baby is shown being bitten and transformed fairly early into the movie.Ĭlint: I mean, I thought I would have free time to write, in my free time. Death of a Child: Taken to the extreme.which would have been disturbing enough without a soundtrack consisting of children chanting gibberish, grinding synthesizers, and what can only be described as a sinister kazoo chorus. Creepy Children Singing: The opening credits feature the journey of a tainted chicken nugget from slaughterhouse to cafeteria, with all the gory details.Crapsaccharine World: The movie's pretty colorful despite all the children zombies trying to kill the teachers.Combat Pragmatist: The teachers, who weaponize everyday elementary school objects such as jump ropes, cymbals, and baseball machines.He has terrible social skills, and doesn't even bat an eye when he realizes he wasn't wearing gloves when he examined Clint's fluids with his hands. Childhood Brain Damage: It's safe to say that at least a good majority of the things wrong with Doug can be attributed to when he had a 6 inch spike lodged in his skull as a child.Chekhov's Skill: Wade's football skills help him get through a playground filled with zombie children.Cell Phones Are Useless: The vice principal confiscated all cell phones, which are later destroyed by Patriot.He tries so desperately to hide his blatant homosexuality that he comes across as a very Transparent Closet sort of character until near the end of the film. Camp Gay: Tracy, although he doesn't actually admit it until near the end.By the Hair: One kid pulls on the Patient Zero’s pigtail and it comes off in his hand.Butt-Monkey: As seen in the trailer, Clint has a hard enough time getting respect from the students.Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Doug is a lunatic, but he's also a bonafide genius who is able to singlehandidly decipher everything relating to the virus over the course of the film.Black Dude Dies First: Played straight with a black male teacher, Averted with the black male student Calvin.

    full movie cooties

  • Beware the Nice Ones: Lucy is all cheerful and friendly and seems like the most reasonable member of the group until she gets fed up with Wade's Jerk Jock behavior and she snaps at him and the rest of the group except Clint.
  • Bastard Boyfriend: Wade has shades of this at first in regards to Lucy.
  • All the teachers manage to hold their own against the students.
  • Badass Teacher: A rare example where the students are the enemies.
  • When he gets his face impaled at the end, you cheer, especially since he's a little shit as a zombie, too.

    full movie cooties

    Especially Patriot, the kid who calls Arabs, "towelheads," threatens to falsely claim Clint abused him, and bullies Shelley.A lot of the kids who eventually turn into zombies in this movie are dicks, so you're not feeling sorry for them.Doug seems to believe that, should they travel to the source of the infection, there's a good chance he'd be able to develop a cure to the virus, so it's at least somewhat hopeful.

    #Full movie cooties full#

  • And the Adventure Continues: The film ends with the outbreak still in full swing, and the group headed off to somewhere "where kids won't go".
  • Almighty Janitor: Hitachi can kick some serious ass, and seems to enjoy it to boot.
  • Zig-zagged, in the sense that he only seems to know weapon-based Martial Arts.

    full movie cooties

  • Air-Vent Passageway: Played realistically - they're small enough that Clint and Lucy are the only ones who can fit through them.
  • That would be any parent's worst nightmare.
  • Adult Fear: The idea of children killing (let alone eating) innocent people.
  • She volunteers to follow Clint through the air vents, and during the big fight against the zombies in the schoolyard, she's the only one without a weapon.

    Full movie cooties